Small Pivot: Business Law Services Offered at Crestview Law

By Taylor Kenck

Crestview Law is able to help small business owners navigate business and commercial law matters.


For those of you following along in this journey, you probably noticed that the vast majority of my focus over the past few months has been estate planning. Initially, I intended Crestview Law to be exclusively an estate planning law firm.

However, as many business owners know, sometimes pivoting becomes an important part of a business plan. While I anticipate that the majority of my work will still be estate planning, I am intentionally expanding my services to include business and commercial law matters. This includes business formation (incorporating, LLCs, partnerships, etc.), restructuring, business acquisitions/buy-sell agreements, commercial transactions, and a number of other business needs.


Over the past few months, I had a number of individuals approach me to help with their business matters. These matters ranged from forming a business to helping with a large business transaction.

While these clients were not something I expected when I started Crestview Law, I had so much fun helping them along their business journeys. It helped expand my vision for Crestview Law and the types of cases I want to be able to take.

In law school, I took a number of classes related to business law. They, along with my estate planning courses, were some of my favorite classes in law school. I loved that many of the professors made a point to connect theory with actual legal work–something absent in many law courses. Through these courses, I was able to create LLC Operating Agreements, negotiate sales and purchase agreements, and practice other common business matters. It gave me practical experience that actually proved very helpful in the past few months.

So, I am not surprised that these business matters were so enjoyable.


At Crestview Law, my goal has always been to provide an environment that allows clients to make difficult decisions with comfort and confidence. To help with this, I have made a number of investments to ensure that I have access to the best resources and technologies.

Because of this pivot, I recently invested in a major legal database subscription as well as subscriptions to leading business and commercial law resources. These resources provide me with a mountain of guidance and insight to help meet clients’ business goals. They also come with templates and forms to help me meet those same goals in an efficient manner.

Because of these investments, I feel incredibly prepared to help clients with their small business needs. As I mentioned earlier, I have really enjoyed helping local Central Washington businesses over the past few months, and I look forward to continuing that trend in the future.


In addition to the estate planning services that I offer, Crestview Law will also be offering business and commercial law services. This includes help with business formation, acquisitions, transactions, compliance and a number of other business and contract law needs.

Our focus will still be transactional–so I am currently not accepting clients that need help with litigation/lawsuits. However, we are positioned to help small businesses with their other legal needs.

Please contact Crestview Law to schedule a free initial consultation to find out more.

Crestview Law has physical offices in Wenatchee, but we can serve clients throughout the state with our many virtual tools.


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